Kundera, Milan; Asher, Aaron. Publication date Topics Health resorts Publisher New York: HarperCollins Publishers Language English. Originally written in Czech under title Valčík na rozloučenou; translated into French under title La valse aux adieux Access-restricted-item true Addeddate Boxid IA Camera. Kundera's third novel and a kind of limbering up for his golden years. As always there's a male sexual predator (Kundera's alter ego) though, unusually, Kundera gives this philanderer his comeuppance. The entire novel is set in a spa town and in particular a clinic for women finding it difficult to conceive/5(K). L' esprit n'a plus une seconde de loisir. Celui qui est en proie à la jalousie ignore l' ennui. La valse aux adieux de. Milan Kundera. Références de Milan Kundera - Biographie de Milan Kundera. Plus sur cette citation Citation de Milan Kundera (n° ) Livres de Milan Kundera.
La Valse aux adieux. La Valse aux adieux (Valčík na rozloučenou) est un roman tchèque de Milan Kundera achevé en ou , paru en France en La valse aux adieux | Milan Kundera [Kundera, Milan] | download | Z-Library. Download books for free. Find books. Đó là các tiểu thuyết La Plaisanterie (Chuyện đùa, ), Risibles amours (Những mối tình nực cười, ), La vie est ailleurs (Cuộc sống không ở đây, ), La valse aux adieux (Điệu valse giã từ, ), Le livre du rire et de l'oubli (Sách cười và lãng quên, ), L'insoutenable légèreté de.
Kundera, Milan; Asher, Aaron. Publication date Topics Health resorts Publisher translated into French under title La valse aux adieux Access-restricted-item. Written in Bohemia in , this book was first published (in ) in France under the title La valse aux adieux (Farewell Waltz), and later in thirty-four other countries. This beautiful new translation, made from the French text prepared by the novelist himself, fully reflects his own tone and intentions. 【中古】La Valse Aux Adieux (Collection Folio)/Milan Kundera. Milan Kundera 【商品状態など】 カバーデザインが画像とは異なります。 中古品のため商品は多少のキズ・使用感がございます。記載ない限り帯・特典などは付属致しません。.